вторник, 26 января 2016 г.

Spectre Fleet #1

Fuck those manufacturers.

I hate them by now.

For some reason  I made a contract with a small high-sec manufacturer corp, to constantly support my shipflow in low-sec, expecting that  they will be baking about 10-20 ships every 3 days, which would be more than enough for me to keep my solo pvp in Huola going.

Now what we see is - they dont give a fuck about our needs, thinking that the bloody price that they asked us to pay is going to bind us together. Well FUCK THAT 10% OFF!!! If you cant fucking keep up with the client's needs - FUCK OFF BITCH!!!

Considering the attitude, and the extreme delay in my pvp fun (look at my fucken kb - ALMOST NO FLIGHTS THERE - WHAT THE FUCK?!), I decided to wardec those fuckers very soon. Fucked up.

The first thing I do - I'll just cancel the contract. Fuck the price you fucked up retards, its not fucking worth it. I want to fight fight fight, not spending days doing NOTHING and awaiting for delivery of your stupid ships.

Looks like those folks dont really understand whom they are fucking wuith. Do I look like a bitch? DO I LOOK LIKE A BITCH?!

Expect the wardec you mommafuckers. I will tear apart all your fucken POS'es and shit, bitches.

I'm not in need of your scrub services anymore.

And while I'm planning this 'Adapt or die, delete the weak'  small wardec campaign - I will try to enjoy my time with Spectre Fleet tonight.

I dont fucking like the large fleets warfare, but fuck that shit, its better than sitting in Huola in a fucking noobship with a finger in your nose.



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